Thursday 19 April 2012

How i made my animation

I made my animation by using an iPad 2, i used the app iStopMotion. i set the iPad up in a fixed position and moved the object taking a photo every time i moved the object, to make it look like there where moving. I then uploaded my footage into the program iMovie to edit. i selected the footage i want and cut the bits i didn't want to use. I added transition and text which where already on the iMovie program i did this by dragging them onto the footage where i wanted them. I then add sound from iMovie by dragging and dropping it onto the footage.

here is a screen shot of me editing my aniamtion

I have add text at the beginning saying what the animation is and that is is presented my myself.
I have also gave each animation clip a subtitle.
I have gave the video a transition "Fade through Black" to make the video run more smothly.
the sound that i have used was available by Apple on iMovie, it is called "Buddy"

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