Thursday 15 March 2012

What i am going to do...

I am going to set up my time laps in a studio, and have a webcam plugged into a laptop taking a photo of the flowers every 5 minets. I will leave this for 5 hours undisturbed, this will give me 60 frames. I will play the time laps 1 frame a second so i will have a minet of footage. If this dose not look good i will play 2 frames a second to speed it up.

Examples of My Idea

Here is some examples of time-lapses of flowers

Timelaps of Amaryllis flower from aboutme on Vimeo.

Flowering from Joelledevries on Vimeo.

Thursday 1 March 2012

In Todays lesson...

i have decided to change my idea of a clay animation to a time laps of a vase of daffodil. In my time laps i will capture the  flowers blooming. daffodil will has full bloomed in about 5 hours after beening put in a vase of water.

I will set up  a camera to take a photo every 5 mines for 5 hours. this will give me 12 frames from 1 hour and a total of 60 frames for the time laps. If i make the time laps play one frame a second i will have a one minuet of footage.

I will edit the song "Morning Mood" to play through the duration of the time laps. At climax of the song which begins at 50 seconds, the daffodils should have almost fully opened. I will edit so that the song will fit.